The Worst Days of Your Life (feature the best characters!)
Creator Joshua Wise and I worked together YEARS ago (wayyy before scripted podcasts were a thing!) on his scripted podcast series, Lord Dinby Duke of Space. This summer, we started working together again via his All Ports Open Network “Plays” RP-game podcast channel! We've collaborated a bunch already (check out my post on Selbin's Slim Shots!), and now we've got another one!
Our most recent game, The Worst Days of Your Life, has me playing my favorite character yet: Lex is an aggressive, uninhibited college-age lesbian in the 1980s with no bra and attitude problem. TWDOYL is a new system of RP gaming, devised by Josh. It's an open-world adventure set in a beach town in New Jersey, where something horrible makes a crash-landing. An awesome aspect of this game revolves around creating characters who make choices the player might disagree with, and who I as a player don’t always like. Lex is ultimately a wounded bully, and finding her motivation and empathy in order to improvise her actions and dialogue is a fantastic acting exercise.
You can check out the podcast on Spotify, subscribe to it on Apple Podcasts, or visit the All Ports Open website for more info on this and other series Josh runs!